How to Cheat at Marketing and Get Away With It

Cheat at marketing

Legit Performance Enhancement

Staying on top of new trends, and new platforms can be dizzying, should I be on Pinterest,is Instagram a viable option for me? Am I too old for Snapchat? And what the heck is growth hacking anyway? Everyone is looking for an edge to get ahead with marketing. Even if you adopt early, you can get lost, even if you have hundreds or thousands of likes, someone (cough Mark Zuckerberg Cough Cough) will come along and change how it all works so your lost again, and still not making money.

So what can you do to win at marketing? Well, prepare to be the Lance Armstrong or Barry Bonds of marketing, consider this the performance enhancing drug to your marketing, but without the needles and freakish physique side effects. So what’s the cheat, the hack the drug of choice to win at marketing?

Drug of Choice

Video, of course. (come on, I’m the video guy, how did you not see that coming!?) Video is currently the top of search algorithms everywhere, Twitter added video, Facebook is challenging YouTube for share in the online video world, and Periscope and Meerkat are battling it out for instant video supremacy. What does that mean for you though? Users are digesting video, constantly, because Facebook, Google and YouTube give more importance to video in search and feed results, we see more of it. The more we see, the more we interact and the cycle continues. If you start implementing video into your marketing today, you will be ahead of so many marketers who are still struggling to get noticed with just text or photos.

Take one and call me in the morning

How does one use video to cheat at marketing? Well, it’s not one and done. So many people wish video marketing would work like going to the gym, go once and you have the body of a Spartan warrior. Sorry, you need more than just one good homepage video to help you. Implementing video is however easier than hitting the gym, better actually because you can do it with beer and pizza. A homepage video is a good place to start, but please don’t stop there. Content marketing is another one of those things we hear about, and it works. It connects people continuously to your brand, and keeps them interested for more. That and the power of connection and engagement that video offers, it’s a win, win for your marketing. Content marketing with video is like Lance Armstrong going downhill with a tail wind, a guaranteed win. Make several videos, plan them out, use a calendar, and make them relevant to your audience, and post frequently, rinse and repeat. Free advice, if a video doesn’t track well at first, recycle the content later, and try a title change or post at a different time.

Content marketing with video is like Lance Armstrong going downhill with a tail wind, a guaranteed win.
Side effects may include

So, seems cool, seems like a serious performance enhancement to my marketing. But what are the side effects? Well, some things will grow larger. Like your customer engagement and retention, or your sales conversions. Hope you can get used to that because living with larger conversion rates must be tough. Better web stats too, that’s going to grow. But there will be some shrinkage, such as bounce rate. Quality video and content will help reduce your bounce rate on your web statistics. The best thing that can shrink, your competitor’s profits and market share.

Will I get caught cheating?

You will eventually get caught, people will notice your gains and your improvements and stellar performance and look to see how you did it. Then, they will start doing it, and you will be the one out ahead of all of them. Don’t be the last one in that says, “might as well, everyone else is doing it.” This is one of the very few places where cheaters win. So cheat at your marketing and beat the pants off of your competition.

This is one of the very few places where cheaters win.

If your marketing needs some performance enhancement, call me, I know a guy that can hook you up. 414-232-3971


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